"[An] Overwhelming story that was filled with drama and more drama and those wonderful angsts I love so much." - Craves the Angst
AUTHOR: Amo Jones
AGE GROUP: New Adult/Adult
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: July 23, 2018
PAGES: Approx. 345
Social Butterfly PR
RATING: 4 Stars!
I did something I had never done before.
I had a one-night stand.
Then in true me fashion, I left my phone at his house during my desperate venture to escape.
I tried hard to ignore the texts sent to my best friend’s phone...
Amethyst: Sup, these selfies are cute as shit, but your lips looked better wrapped around my…
I did NOT text him back.
I DID vow to never speak of him, or that night again...
I’m Amethyst Lily Tatum, and up until this point, I’d managed to maintain a fairly low-key life. I’m what you would call a socially unacceptable hot mess. Instead of partying, I’m skating, flipping ollie’s over guys who loved to underestimate me. Then I started college, met a wild girl who I would soon call my best-friend, had my first drunk one-night stand, left my phone at his house, and then, when I finally managed to meet my mom’s new boyfriend, I found out that my one-night stand, was now my new stepbrother.
*this is a standalone novel*
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REVIEWER'S NOTE: I received an eARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.
4 “ollie” Stars!
The Review:
Three times!
Three times, I wanted to shut my ereader off and walk away. And I did. All. Three. Times! There were moments I hated the direction of this story. Then curiosity would nag and eat away at me until I picked it back up and was consumed once more! Frustrated and aggrieved. Those words describe half my feelings perfectly. Elated, excited and flat out enthralled are words to describe the rest of my feelings. It was dramatic, over the top and I loved it! So, obviously, the latter of the feels overruled the first, because I kept going and I’m so glad I did.
Two words. Maddox Stone! Wowza. Talk about hot and a hot mess. Maddox and Amethyst were just that. A hot mess. And I’m not going to lie. I straight up almost lost my mind on this one. I loved it, don’t get me wrong, but there were so many twists and turns and so much push and pull that I wondered, many times, how they were going to ever get it together.
One ending. The perfect ending. After all the push and pull, all the back and forth, all the drama and twists, the ending was perfect. Once I hit that last page, I saw how it all came together and how it flowed the way it was supposed to flow. Their journey was rough, filled with pitfalls and heartbreak and so much conflict it should have never worked out for them, but that ending made it all worth it.
A Little About the Story/Characters...
Amethyst Tatum was seven the first time she met Maddox Stone. For a short while, donuts and conversation brought them together but years would pass before they saw each other again. All grown up and in college, Ame breaks bad and has a one night stand ... with a guy from her past that’s about to rock her world and set it on fire.
Maddox and Ame...
Maddox - moody, intense and just this side of hero status. Oh and suuuuper sexy!
Amethyst - tough, kind, I-dont-care-attitude that made her fascinating.
I loved both of them.
They were both toxic and wonderful together. Their relationship was full of conflict and drama. And there were a few times Maddox could have gotten stampeded by a herd of elephants and I would have laughed because that boy pissed me off! Their chemistry was off the charts hot though! You also couldn’t help but feel for them. There was so much back and forth between them that it felt like the universe was literally conspiring against them. Every time they seemed to get their lives aligned, something would intervene. I wasn’t kidding when I said I walked away several times to get my bearings. This read was amazing and outrageous all at the same time.
The side characters were definitely fun to read and a real treat to get to know. They didn't feel like side characters at all, but more like an intricate part of the story and played pivotal roles in Maddox and Ame’s lives. They were basically the glue that held these two together when it would all fall apart.
The story itself? Wow! It would head in one direction and then quickly turn around and go in another. And it was filled with so many things that I felt like I lived a lifetime inside the pages. I loved that and it wasn’t hard to keep up, BUT I kept questioning certain actions because there were a couple of plot points introduced, a few points of foreshadowing and a few scenes laid out that didn’t seem to go anywhere or have any direction or have any impact on the main story. That was really the only flaw I saw in this read. It happened a few different times.
Also, there were a few places that were a little wordy, hammering points home that didn’t need it. And some of the inner monologuing was overdone. It slowed down in a few places but it picked back up quickly. Overall, great writing.
The climax came out of nowhere and I know some might have a problem with it, but I LOVED it! I was surprised and on the edge of my seat while it played out. So much fun!
The Wrap Up:
This was my first read by this author. But it WILL NOT be my last!!
There was drama. I loved it.
There was angsts. My heart soaked it up!
There was sexy-times! My tummy was all aflutter.
There was heart and soul. A solid story I couldn’t get enough of.
So what does it all boil down to? The. Whole. Kitchen. Sink!
Flip Trick was a hard read that kept me glued to the pages. Intense and outrageous characters that stole my heart. Overwhelming story that was filled with drama and more drama and those wonderful angsts I love so much.
Stories that invoke those kinds of feelings is a story worth reading. Shedding some "feels" while nearly having fits is what good reads are all about. I have room on my list for the easy reads and I also have room on my list for hard reads that get my heart pumping and blood boiling. This book is in that list. I loved it and I’m already looking forward to a reread.

Amo Jones is a small country girl totally winging this author thing (she's probably doing it all wrong). She likes cake, loves wine, and her religion is magic. She's a profound work-a-holic, but when she's not writing, you can find her chilling with her kids & partner at the nearest beach, with a cocktail in her hand.
New Zealand is not a state of Australia and rugby is the best sport ever played.
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