SERIES: Jail Bait
AUTHOR: Mia Storm
AGE GROUP: New Adult
GENRE: Romance
RELEASE DATE: March 19, 2015
PUBLISHER: Firefall Publishing
FORMAT: eBook and Paperback
PAGES: Approx. 268
InkSlinger PR
A poem by Blaire Leon
If sex is dirty, why would I do it with someone I love?
If sex is dirty, then didn’t we all come from the dirt?
What if I like the dirt?
What if I want to get dirty?
What if I want to roll in the mud until I’m so fucking filthy that I’ll never be clean again?
When twenty-five-year-old graduate assistant Caiden Brenner asked Blaire Leon how old she was, she said she was a senior. He chose to believe she meant in college. They connect over Lord Byron’s Don Juan and, as their conversations become increasingly thicker with sexual innuendo, Caiden finds himself obsessing over a totally off-limits undergrad who’s bold, beautiful, brilliant, and one of the most passionate poets he’s ever met.
But it turns out Blaire hasn't been totally honest. She's the seventeen-year-old valedictorian of her high school class, taking courses at Sierra State while awaiting her acceptance to Stanford.
Will Caiden get too deeply into Blaire to back away before he finds out the truth? Or will their connection be enough to seduce him into risking his entire future on Jail Bait?
REVIEWERS NOTE: Getting Dirty is the first book in the Jail Bait series and is a New Adult, Contemporary Romance written by Mia Storm. I was gifted a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review through InkSlinger PR.
4 Brazen, Courageous Stars!
Never Slow, A Bit Angsty, A Little Dirty, A Lot Controversial, And Completely All Consuming!
The Review:
Daring, Bold and Tantalizingly Hot! This read will test your ethical code, break through the barriers of the forbidden and make you question the legal limitations society puts on age, love and wrong versus right. It was brash and it was beautiful.
Blaire Leon is exceptional. She’s sixteen (almost seventeen), a high school senior and taking college courses in literature. She excels in school but she’s socially awkward. She straddles the line between being too intelligent and mature for her peers but not old enough in the eyes of the law to live as an adult and she feels she isn’t really accepted anywhere. Her closest ally is her brother but he’s not in the same position as her and he can’t fully understand. No one gets her.... until she meets Caiden.
Caiden Brenner is twenty five. He’s struggling to pay the rent, to take care of his younger brother, to fend off a mother who’s more of a hindrance than a help and to stay in college so he can amount to something one day. His life isnt ideal, but it isn’t bad. He’s got friends, he’s got a position as the professors TA and he’s headed towards a career he loves. But he’s never met “the one”, even though he surrounds himself with brilliant and enchanting words written by some of the most famous and eloquent people to walk through history.
Then in strolls Blaire. She’s gorgeous, fearless, creative, brainy... and totally off limits, in more ways than one.
Bonding over poetry, intelligence and sexual innuendos, both find they are falling hard and fast, even though they won’t be accepted by anyone because of his position and her age.
But should they be? That’s the question...
There were times when this read was so freaking awkward, I almost put it down and listed it as a DNF. Not because it wasn’t good, because it absolutely was. And not because the story wasn’t holding my interest, because it definitely did. And not because I couldn’t connect or understand the characters, because they were real and understandable. But because society tells us this is wrong. That a twenty five year old man is sick for finding a sixteen/seventeen year old girl attractive and interesting. But after thinking it through....I decided, to hell with that shit!
I love reads that are passionate. I love stories that step outside the norm and I love books that say fuck the grey line, I’m going full-on out, giving a green light to a no-holds-barred situation and giving a high-five and middle finger to the rules of acceptability. So I put society on the back burner and continued to read this book. And guess what? I absolutely LOVED it!
Characters Thoughts...
I liked Blaire but I did think she went a little too far in the beginning. For someone with so much maturity, she fell under that rule of slutty seductress way to easily and it made her seem very much her age. She didn't think using her mind or her intelligence was enough. She used her body to gain his attention and I didn’t think she needed that. She was beautiful as well as brilliant and one conversation with her and Caiden saw that. She didn’t need the window dressing to draw him in.
I also disliked the fact she never spoke up about how it all started. She never once told the “grown-ups” that she lead him to believe she was older than she was. In the end, it didn't matter. He was the adult in the situation, but I wish she had of tried. I wanted to see her stand up and fight for him.
And my heart completely broke for the solid future Caiden was denied. Sure, in the end, he found something he loved just as much, but if not for one small rule that shouldn’t have been protected so fiercely in THIS situation, he could have had it all.
Having a teenage daughter myself, I’m glad there are rules there to protect her from things that are beyond her years and her maturity, but things like this story happen and in these kinds of circumstances, I think more attention should have been paid to Blaire and what she was saying. Her academic standing, her clean record and her maturity should have been enough for the “adults” to take a second look at the situation, but they didn’t. And in the process of all this looking out for the law, she was REALLY hurt.
The Wrap Up:
I loved this story because it made me think.It made me questions things. It made me look at things differently and it both made my heart flutter and my mind whirl. And the ending, though it got a little mushy and a bit fluffy, it of course made me one very happy reader! Bravo! Loved this read.
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About the Author...
Mia Storm is a hopeless romantic who is always searching for her happy ending. Sometimes she’s forced to make one up. When that happens, she’s thrilled to be able to share those stories with her readers. She lives in California and spends much of her time in the sun with a book in one hand and a mug of black coffee in the other, or hiking the trails in Yosemite. Connect with her online at , on Twitter at @MiaStormAuthor, and on Facebook at

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