Today, I get the exclusive honor of revealing the second book in The Survivors Series by the talented V.L. Dreyer. The Survivors Book II: Autumn continues the gritty tale of Sandy and the band of survivors she made into a family from book one. I've been excitedly awaiting news of the next books release since finishing The Survivors Book I: Summer, and today we have a cover! And its gorgeous! Take a look:
Title: The Survivors Book II: Autumn
Series: The Survivors Series
Series Placement: #2
Author: V. L. Dreyer
Age Group: PG13
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic Survival
Release Date: February 01, 2014
Published by: V. L. Dreyer
Format: Ebook, Paperback, Hardback (through the fundraiser only)
Pages: Approx. 400
Cover Designed by: Alaïs Legrand & Alyssa Talboys
Cover Release Sponsored by: Author
Book Blurb:
The virus came from deep in Africa. By the time they had a name for the disease, it had wiped out half the continent. Within a year, it had decimated our world. Now, ten years later, our species is on the verge of extinction. Only a few of us have survived, those lucky enough to be born with a natural immunity to the plague. We scavenge amongst the ruins of our old civilizations, picking out a living from the devastation.
After a decade of living a solitary existence, I have found a family, one that I would do anything to protect. Then tragedy strikes in the blink of an eye, and leaves my family in mourning. There was nothing any of us could do. We were helpless. My inability to protect them from pain and loss feels like a terrible failure. Despair becomes a constant companion, but I can’t live like that forever. I must find a way to move through the grief, and carry on.
I choose to fight for what’s important. I can’t just stand by waiting for death to claim the people that I care about, one by one. What can one person do to save a world this far gone? I can try to bring hope to the people that are left behind. It will be a difficult battle, but I must fight for the people I love. I have to try. We have to try. We have to find some way to move forward, or humanity will be lost forever. Someone must step forward and lead the way.
My name is Sandy McDermott, and I say that merely surviving is no longer enough.
V.L. Dreyer is holding a fundraising campaign through to raise money for her books release. You're contribution to the campaign will not only help the author raise funds to get her book published but anyone that contributes more than $10 to the fundraiser gets a limited-edition novella exclusive only to campaign contributors. So, check out the campaign and donate today and lets help get this incredible second book out into the world!
Other Books In This Series...

The Survivors Book I: Summer
Buy the Book!
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About the Author...
At the age of 14, she penned her first novel in the form of the original draft of the yet-to-be-published “The Gyrath’s Gate Chronicles”, which is in the process of being adapted to graphic novel format. Since then, she has written and illustrated five graphic novels, dozens of short stories, and goodness knows how many discarded manuscripts.
Shortly after high school, she co-founded the graphic novel publisher Blue Scar Productions with the aid of Alexandra “Blue” Saunders. Between the two of them, they recruited sixteen volunteers united by their love of comic books. Although Blue Scar Productions ceased to operate as a commercial entity in November 2011, Ms Dreyer has since gone on to pen numerous novels under her own name, and her pen name Abigail Hawk. Her preferred genres are science fiction, post-apocalyptic survival and romance – and sometimes all three at once.
Due to a medical condition that has made it impossible for her to work her day job, Ms Dreyer has pushed through to release her first two novels, The Survivors Book I: Summer and The Immortality Clause. Never one to let something like a little hearing loss get her down, she is now focused on her writing, some freelance work, and maintaining the Goodreads group “Some Like It Hot”.
She enjoys talking to her readers, and actively encourages all authors to be receptive to feedback, both good and bad, because it’s the only way that they’ll learn their craft. She enjoys helping new writers join the community, and through “Some Like It Hot” has been working hard to develop a safe, interactive community between writers at all stages of their careers, and the readers that are their life-blood.
Quote: “The first task of every author is to evoke emotion in their reader. You may laugh, or you may cry; you may love me, or you may hate me. So long as I make you feel something, I know that I’m doing my job.” – V. L. Dreyer
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